The lonely

when your told one thing for so long you believe it. i know i look good i know i am not a mistake but i am.
you cant grow a rose in a burning pit of tar no matter what people say. it may look like a rose but inside, inside its a rotting weed tutored by its thoughts and feelings, broken down by everything and anything around it until it decides to break itself.
its sorry for everything its done and said even though it does not know what it did but its sorry.
it cries its self to sleep because it does not understand why it does not belong, it gets drunk to finally love itself to finally feel some peace only to be screamed at tossed around dis-guarded like trash because it cant get love so it uses substances, it sits alone in the dark silently screaming to be tortured by its thoughts, memories and whats coming the next day it starts to love the night and the monsters inside it creates a split personality to have a friend to tell it everything is OK to tell it their was a reason it was born this "rose"wont talk to people for the fear of being judged, made fun of and saying stuff its not suppose to it puts on a strong and scary shield to protect whats inside it smiles to make everyone happy but inside its a rose being destroyed i put it on here with detail so that people do not read it and not know the invisible face behind the words but its to scared to ask for help.